the task

To create a pro bono website for charity Hospitality Action to publicise their Social Sunday initative, where restaurants, hotels and bars across the nation help raise funds to support people who work or have worked in hospitality and find themselves in crisis, by donating the proceeds from Sunday Lunch (as Jason Attherton does) or to raise money in whatever way they choose for HA on the 7th of July (Social Sunday). Their aim is to unite the UK’s restaurant community in July to help transform hospitality lives.

the solution

Ever ready for a challenge, even if that challenge is to launch a website in an afternoon (more like a day, but who’s counting?) we chose to use the Squarespace platform and create a custom theme which would get us a good deal of the functionality we needed in a fraction of the development time. We added a calendar module to house the participating venue’s events, a blog module so HA could add the latest updates and incorporated a clever homepage module to switch out the hero images on hover, and when clicked to return the user to the homepage once they’d read the information; ensuring they go the ‘What?’ When?’ and ‘Who?’ of what Social Sunday was all about.

the results

Hospitality Action are delighted with the results and the initiative is well under way with a great number of participating restaurants on board to support Social Sunday including big names like Pollen Street Social and Dinner by Heston Blumenthal Feedback from stakeholders at the charity has been extremely positive and Jellybean is delighted to have been instrumental in helping this valuable charity continue it invaluable help towards the industry we love so much.

“The new Social Sunday website has been a crucial part of our 2019 campaign. The site is clean, simple and easy to navigate. It works well on mobile devices and the blog has enabled us to both recruit new supporters and showcase the efforts of our existing fundraisers. We have over 30 participants already signed up which is ahead of where we expected to be at this point in the campaign.”
Hospitality Action