We’ve Bean Back in Business!
Last year jellybean ran, walked, and cycled in aid of Hospitality Action’s ‘To Hell and Back’ tour. And this year, as we all rush back to restaurants, bars, and hotels to enjoy our favourite industry, jellybean has once again taken to the road to support Hospitality Action’s ‘Back in Business’ tour. Recently slammed by the ever-increasing cost of living and inflation, those in need in the hospitality industry still require our help.
So, in celebration and support of the industry, Hospitality Action charted a course through some of the most famous hospitality venues and experiences. From Reims for a glass of Champagne, to Buenos Aires for a succulent Argentinian steak, all the way to the home of the Singapore Sling – Raffles. We Beans, once again, dusted off our running shoes and Fitbits and donned those all-important bright orange headbands to journey through these, and many more hospitality hotspots, all in aid of our cherished hospitality industry.
A few hot takes from the Business Beans:
“As a Hospitality Ambassador I am always up for supporting this great cause and if I can work off the honeymoon pounds at the same time then all the better! – Sooz
“I completed a 60-mile ride across the South Downs. Tough going. But oh so worth it for our fab industry.” – Neil
“I love walking and love supporting a great cause such as Hospitality Action, so it was a no brainer for me!” – Ellie
“This industry works hard so we can have fun – only right that we should support this activity.” – Andy
“I was keen to take part in Hospitality Action’s Back in Business Tour to help celebrate and support the industry we all know and love, and to help those who were negatively impacted by the pandemic get back on their feet.” – Jess C
It’s safe to say that from the 10th-20th of June we pulled together with Hospitality Action to span the globe, hitting a staggering 65,715 miles and passing the finishing line just ahead of our second stop at the Sydney Opera House. Together we smashed the initial target of 50,000 miles and ended up heading down-under for a second time as we lapped the charted route. Through our hard-work and mettle along with the other 68 teams, HA have managed to raise a whopping £120,035 so far! And with donations still open, we are still pushing for more contributions so that we can raise as much as possible for a truly fantastic industry. See below…