Bee Kind… our sustainability journey
For Easter this year, jellybean wanted to do something a little different…
As part of our journey to become more environmentally friendly, we sent out 150 seedball tins to the beans, our clients and foodie friends to scatter in their gardens and support the bee population.
So, what are seedballs I hear you ask?
To put it simply, they’re balls of seeds. To dive deeper, they’re a mini ecosystem, containing all the necessary tools your seeds will need to help them germinate and grow. Each ball contains 30-100 seeds, a dash of chilli powder to deter predators (such as slugs, birds and ants), peat-free compost for added nutrition – all protected by a coating of clay.
And what is their purpose?
Once scattered on bare soil, a hub of wildflowers will start to bloom and help increase the population of bees and butterflies.
We’ve chosen a selection of native wildflowers that bees love and will tell their friends about, all in the hopes to see more of these friendly critters carrying out the amazing work they do for our ecosystem.
Bees play a vital role as pollinators of food crops and along with honey, they make a huge contribution toward the making of medicinal products. The movement of pollen between plants is necessary for them to fertilise and reproduce. When bees thrive, so do crops.
Unfortunately, the community of pollinators has been on the decline in the UK since the 1970s due to habitat loss, amongst other factors. But on the bright side, there has been an upsurge in public interest to try and rectify this. The easiest way to make a difference is to grow native flowers, leaving weeds to develop and provide both food and shelter for bees, as well as reduce landscaping activities such as pruning.
Get involved and request your tin!
We’ve got 50 seedball tins to give away, so if you’d like to take part in this journey with us and help repopulate your gardens, request your tin here.
Ps. We’d love to see your flowers bloom so be sure to post on socials and tag us! @jellybeanagency
To learn more about bees, the roles they play and their huge contribution to human well-being, visit