Hello and welcome to the very first edition of the Digital Download from Jellybean Creative. My name is Andy Wickes and the idea here is hopefully a pretty simple one. Each week we plan to cut through the white noise of digital marketing advice, tools, technologies, apps, platforms, acronyms and jargon, and to provide you our audience with an executive summary of what we think you need to know each week. Time is of the essence so we plan to keep things short. Very short! The plan is give you what you need to know in under two minutes. This is a quick espresso shot of digital that you can fit in between meetings or phonecalls or checking your email. Quick, smart and succinct.
But it’s not all about us. We’d love for you to get involved. We’d love to hear from you also. If there’s a website you can’t work without. A fantastic app, an amazing digital marketing platform or a just a brilliant blog post or TED talk, send it in to info@jellybeancreative.co.uk and if it makes the cut we’ll share it on the next episode.
Right. Enough waffle. Let’s jump right in.