Whisky – 360
Here at Jellybean, we really value our beans and as part of our commitment to develop everyone to their full potential we carry out regular reviews and appraisals throughout the year. This ensures everyone receives the recognition they deserve and gives every bean the opportunity to develop in their role. So in the spirit of inclusivity we thought it was only fair to include Whisky, our budding apprentice and favourite furry friend (AKA office dog). Using our tried and tested 360° feedback questions this is a snap shot of how he is progressing since joining us back in December 2016.
What is Whisky good at?
Whisky is good at smelling and finding food, he is also good at sharing his love around the office and keeping everyone entertained.
What has Whisky improved on over the last 12 months?
Not taking things out of the bins.
What could Whisky do better for the benefit of the beans?
You can’t improve on perfection right?
I think all of us in the office are in agreement; our little friend will endeavour to improve and continue to be the best office dog any team could ask for.
For your viewing pleasure we’ve included a short video below, showcasing our fluffy friend in all his glory.