On the 12th February 2018 Jellybean was lucky enough to attend the fifth Zest Quest Asia Gala Dinner and Awards night as a guest of our lovely client and sponsor of the event Tilda.

Held at the Hilton T5, the glittering awards ceremony was a celebration of Asian food, and the catering students who have honed their skills in the world of Asian cuisine. After we’d watched six colleges battle it out in a cook-off on Twitter at Mr. Todiwala’s Kitchen, we were excited to see who would be announced the winners on the night.

As a leading foodservice agency, we have watched with interest as Asian Cuisine has come to the forefront of food trends and with Chef Cyrus Todiwala OBE at the helm, the night began with a five course menu which showcased just how varied and beautiful Asian food can be.

We were treated to an ‘Assortment of Seafood’ for our starter which included whelks, patia, crab, brown shrimp, oyster, mussel and clams. Followed by a spiced turkey croquette; a celebration of game with Jogo De Passaros de Jogo Espumado served on a bed of Tilda Basmati and Wild Rice. The feast ended with a white chocolate dessert – which was almost too pretty to eat – almost!

The evening passed in a whirlwind of games including Tilda’s ‘Play Your Rice Right’ and an inspiring talk by Chef Andrew Wong. Before we knew it, the time came for the winners to be announced and we were delighted to see Sheffield College win ‘Best Use of Rice’ sponsored by our very own Tilda, and a huge congratulations to the University of West London who were crowned overall champions.

A big well done to Cyrus and Pervin Todiwala, Zest Quest Asia and all the sponsors for an incredible evening, and thank you to the lovely team at Tilda for having us along, we had a blast!