infog2Each year we throw on our party hats and gather round a table of food and sweets to celebrate National Jellybean Day. This year, as the leading Foodservice Marketing, Foodservice Trends and PR agency, we wanted to do something bigger and better that involved more than just the ‘Jellybeans’.

We looked to industry leaders in research and statistics – Horizons and Allegra Foodservice as well as our own independent consumer research (Toluna panel 300 sample size) to pull together a thought-provoking and fun campaign.

So we had the facts, the numbers, the trends and predictions…then what?

Well, Junior Designer, Luca swapped his party hat for his creative one and produced what we like to call ‘Infobites’.

Infobites are bite-sized infographics that allow you to share individual snippets of information with a corresponding visual as opposed to essentially a full poster with multiple stats, facts and images.

As you may well know, infographics are playing an integral role in more and more digital marketing strategies. However if you’re late to the party and have yet to realise the infographic’s full potential, here are some facts for you:

  • 90% of the information that comes to the brain is visual*
  • 65% of your digital audience are visual learners**
  • Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text**
  • The words “infographic” and “infographics” are searched an average of 547,000 times per month in Google+

So, each day we tweeted and posted two infobites to our followers on both Twitter and Linkedin. Our jellybean themed infobites focused around stats on the out of home/foodservice market and consumers’ habits and mind-set out of home. See image on the right for examples. Can you spot the beans? 😉

To help spread the jellybean love, our creative-beans in the studio also produced ‘Happy National Jellybean Day’ jellybean bag toppers which were sent out as gifts to journalists, clients and prospects alike. Everyone loves a sweet treat after all!

And so, our social media campaign continued…

On the Wednesday, the official day of National Jellybean Day, we launched a promoted twitter account campaign targeting accounts with an interest in marketing, foodservice, hospitality and the like inviting them to follow us to win a personalised jellybean machine. The results over the three days were more than fruitful with Rebel Brewing Co. proud winners of their shiny new Jellybean machine!

“It all sounds very nice, but where’s the business benefits?” I hear you ask… Well our week long campaign made a total of 4,831,858 impressions!!

So, if you’d like to know how infographics, infobites or even the moving infographic – ‘scroller’ – could work for your marketing campaign, get in touch today. We’d love to hear from you!

T: +44 (0)1372 227950


Twitter: @jellybeanagency

LinkedIn: Jellybean Creative Solutions




Jellybean Creative is a leading foodservice pr agency. We help top brands with foodservice pr, foodservice trends, digital and design. If you feel we could help you with your marcomms, strategy, public relations, creative or digital then drop us a line today.