Alternative CV – Luca Cicero
What was your favourite subject at school?
It was either between Art and Math’s
What was your best subject as school?
Again I think it was the same, although I was pretty good at design technology
What was your first-ever job?
Working in my uncles hairdressers sweeping and washing hair
What was your worst ever job?
I would probably have to say working in Woolworths in the homeware section, it’s not the most exciting of jobs
What was the first music single you bought?
I have a feeling it was either a snoop dog or five song, which were on cassette and yes they are very different genres
What is the most entrepreneurial thing you have ever done?
When I was about 12, my sister and I would put up a stall in our driveway and sell food from the house and objects we didn’t want anymore, needless to say we didn’t make much money.
What is your motto in life?
Its cheesy but I really like ‘You only live once’ just take life by the horns and have a good time.
If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be?
Free buffet at lunch everyday! With maybe a few drinks on the side.
What’s your favourite movie and why?
I have so many it’s hard to pick one! Saving Private Ryan, Goodfellas, The Butterfly Effect, Training Day and of course 10 things I hate about you! I could name so many more.
If you could pick a celebrity to join the agency who would it be and why?
Richard Ayoade, but as his character Moss from the I.T Crowd, he is just a genius, although I don’t think I would get much work done.
What luxury would you have on your desert island?
Probably my iPod, I couldn’t imagine not being able to listen to music.
What animal best reflects your personality and why?
Possibly a monkey, I can be rather loud when I want to, very mischievous and playful also.
If you could be anybody in the world (alive or dead) who would you be and why?
I think it would have to be Richard Branson, just because of the way he thinks and works, finding the gaps in the market and filling them and producing one of the biggest brands in the world.